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Seth, A Naiad's Son (Generations of Eredwynn Book 3)


  A Naiads Son

  Daniel Harris

  Copyright © 2014 Daniel Harris

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 1505355346

  ISBN-13: 978-1505355345


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Chapter One

  “Yes mother, I’m awake,” I replied to the soft knocking on my door. It had happened every morning of my life, so I knew who was there and that my day had been planned.

  “Five new novices have been accepted and are moving into the dorm. You can go down there and help with that, but don’t stay in the room with them alone. Appearance of propriety is very important. Two instructors are taking them to the range to give them a rundown on the basics. Lia will be there in case of accidents, but you could give pointers, like your brother James. Watch their magic and see what they’re doing right or wrong.”

  “I’ll be right there. I’m just cleaning up a few things in here.”

  “Don’t be too long or everything will be moved without your help.”

  And that started another typical day for me. Seventeen and a half years old and my ’coming of age’ party was a year and a half ago. I’m half naiad, a water sprite, and we age at a much slower rate than humans. Mother told me, and swore me to secrecy, that full sprites such as she often lived over five thousand years. She looked like she might be twelve but has hinted to me that she’s pushing a hundred years. At my age, I look like a ten year old, but I have all the normal feelings of a man who is almost eighteen. Finding a young lady who will believe that I’m the age I am probably won’t happen. Young ladies generally aren’t attracted to little boys. They are after the men who are taller than they, and I assume have more to offer, if you know what I mean.

  I kicked the backpack that was beside my bed back under it and smiled. I was done with Wizard’s Castle and waking up to my mother’s ’to do’ list every day. Tomorrow morning I was taking off. My destination was unsure but I had an idea. I would fly west from Eredwynn and keep going until I found something to land on. If I had to live on an unpopulated continent, then so be it. If there were people, I could just be a little kid and be left alone. No one even notices children except for their parents. I had letters written to my two rebellious brothers, James and Davie the Mage. I thought it a good idea to let them know about my plans, just in case of an emergency, and I knew they’d keep quiet.

  I went outside to the dorm and started helping the new novices unload. I noticed that they were very cute young ladies but their comment when they saw me helping let me know romance wasn’t in my future. A man doesn’t want to hear, “Awww, isn’t he cute?” Well, it might work if the tone wasn’t set so high, like people usually do when talking to little kids.

  We finished moving the clothing and other odds and ends to the rooms and I followed them to the target range. The novices looked at me like I was a lost little boy looking for something to do, and then ignored me as the training started. There was nothing for me to do during the basic training, and low-level caster spells bored the starlight out of me.

  Finally they moved up to casting energy bolts and I could have something more interesting to do. By altering my perception slightly and focusing through my psionic center, I could see the magic they were using. I could tell who was letting the magic build up and how well they were focused. After five minutes of casting and watching, the expert trainers both turned and looked at me. I walked over to them and gave my report. I made suggestions and complimented a couple of the novices. I then stepped back and sat on the grass by Lia. We had learned that if I went to the novices and gave the advice directly, it would be ignored. Now I just passed it on through the instructors. Lia felt bad for me and knew it bugged me that I wasn’t treated like a man.

  “Little brother, someday someone will realize that you really are a man regardless of how you look. Someday I’ll have to come and check out some girl who has her sights set on you and run her off if I don’t like her!”

  “Lia, please don’t ever run off a girl that even gives me a second glance! By the time Davie was my age, he’d been married twice and had a baby. I don’t really want to get married right now, but a more than friendly kiss would be nice.”

  “It will happen for you some day, if it’s meant to be. Having a mother like yours must be hard, too. If you weren’t under her little thumb all the time, then maybe you could meet that someone.”

  I sighed. “I wasn’t going to tell anyone at Wizard’s, but hearing you say that lets me know that you’d understand. I’ve decided that I’m taking off. I’m going to fly out west and see if there are any continents out there worth visiting. I’m telling Davie and James too, just in case I get into a jam.”

  “You know I’d be there in an instant if you needed me, little brother. I don’t really have to worry about you because, barring unknown magic or a stray dragon, you can handle yourself.”

  The words we dreaded drifted from the firing line, “What was that word again?” A stray magic arrow spell flew from the speaker’s wand and was absorbed by my shield. I chuckled. “There are parts of this job that I’ll miss. Getting attacked on accident doesn’t happen to everyone.” Lia and I got up to comfort the poor girl who thought that she’d killed me. We explained that it was a strictly enforced rule that everyone be shielded at the line and she’d demonstrated why. She was told that the same mistake happened often and she calmed down enough to continue.

  I’d done my job and more at the range, so I made my way back to the keep. I located my mother and told her that I was going to go visit my brother, James. I let her know that I might be spending the night if he wasn’t too busy. She agreed, as long as I promised to drop a note if my plans changed. I smiled because I knew that my plans were going to change and I already had the note explaining that written. With hugs and kisses I said goodbye, went to my room for my pack and ported to Kethos Castle.

  I walked into the receiving room and waited for the courtroom to clear. A group of fishermen were discussing splitting up parts of the fishing grounds so they didn’t get in each other’s way. James handled the situation and the men went past me, smiling and chatting with each other.

  I told the herald that he could announce me as, ‘His Highness Seth, preparing to escape.’ That should get James’ attention and he’d know that I was following his example. I was announced and rounded the corner into the courtroom. James was already halfway across the room to meet me. He told the herald that if anything came up that needed his attention to send a runner. Otherwise he was calling it a day. The herald bowed as an acknowledgment and James lead me into the keep proper.

  As we were heading up the stairs, he spoke, “Well old man, have you found the woman of your dreams and decided to run off with her?”

  I laughed. “I might dream about women, but I’m pretty sure that women don’t dream about me. I’m not exactly the macho dream man that women are looking for. I thought that I’d go west past Davie’s Perlsea, and see if there are people over there. There has to be a continent to the west if there is one to the east. The world hasn’t been explored fully and I’d like to know what’s out there. Father is going to send me to Starford Stronghold soon. I’d like to do something before that happens.”

  “Believe me when I say that I know what you mean. That is what I did when I met Star. She was the best thing that happened on that trip.�
� We stopped at the top of the stairs and James opened the balcony door. We stepped outside and he continued, “I’m sort of glad that you’re not in the process of courting a girl. There’s actually a girl up in my room right now that would like to meet you. She’s been told all about you and still wants to meet you. She’s sixteen and was hoping to be a consort of mine. I’m too old to be taking on a consort that age. A lot of the other Lords might think I’m nuts saying that, but Father’s talk about his world made me think like that, I suppose.”

  I chuckled. “Why in the would a girl be interested in a four and half foot tall, seventy-five pound man who looks like a boy? Is she horribly ugly or just insane?”

  “She’s actually quite pretty. She’s interested in you because you’re almost a foot taller than she is and you outweigh her by forty pounds! I know you’re going on this trip, but perhaps she could go with you, if you two get along. You’d have to levitate her, but you know how to do that and have done it most of your life. She isn’t magical and failed the test Aunt Alba gave her. Ivy’s been telling her about you for a month now. She’s just too shy to go to Wizard’s and approach you. In case you haven’t guessed, she’s a Halfling.”

  “Her size gave it away. Sure, I’ll meet her, but won’t take her if we don’t get along. And even if I do take her, she might just go as a traveling companion and not a future courtesan.”

  James grinned. “Just be prepared to cover your ears if you do decide to take her. Ivy’s squeal can be quite painful. Let’s go meet her.” We went back inside and James knocked on the door to alert everyone that he had company with him. We walked in when Star opened the door. She hugged me and then I braced myself as Ivy came running. She almost knocked me over, as had become a tradition over the last couple years.

  Ivy grinned and called, “Tabitha, would you mind coming out here for a moment?” James smiled and winked at Ivy, letting her know that he’d talked to me.

  A beautiful young woman came from one of the side rooms. When she saw me, she curtsied. “Good morning, Your Highness. It’s very nice to meet you.”

  An extremely strange feeling hit me in the gut. I ran healing magic through me, but it didn’t go away. “Good morning, Miss. It’s always a pleasure to meet such an attractive young lady.” I leaned over and asked James to run a healing spell for me because the feeling was getting worse.

  He chuckled. “Hmm, feeling a bit queasy and your stomach is doing flip flops? There’s no cure for that, little brother. All you can do is sit and talk with the young lady. If it goes away, then you should leave her here. If it gets worse, you’ll want to take her.” He walked over and sat on a couch, with me following.

  Somehow the room filled with James’ wife and consorts. They were filling all the seats in the living room except for one. Tabitha was almost forced to take a seat beside me. I figured out that the entire room was in on the matchmaker game. I turned to her, since there was absolute silence in the room, and smiled. “So Tabitha, why don’t you tell me about yourself? I know all these people and their stories. Maybe you can make the visit more interesting.”

  She flushed slightly at being the center of attention. “Well, sir, as you can tell, I’m a Halfling. My name is Tabitha Fairfoot and I’m sixteen years old, whether you believe it or not. My parents are farmers in the fields across the road. I started talking to Ivy before I knew she was a consort and we became friends. They allow me to come up here and visit all the time now. I’ve fallen in love with the shower and with everyone here. They told me about you and suggested that I might enjoy visiting with you.”

  “James told me that you were quite pretty, but he misled me. Forgive my bluntness, but I think you’re beautiful! My name is Seth, by the way. I’d like it if you’d use my name instead of any title. I’m really glad that they suggested I meet you. I’m seventeen, whether you believe it or not, and I guess I could be a type of Halfling myself. My mother is a Naiad and my father human. I guess you’ve heard a little about me, though.”

  “Seth, you’re all that Ivy and Star have been talking about for a month. I know they are playing matchmaker and I was expecting someone scary looking. You do look young, but not boyish in the sense that I’ve grown up with. You’re a nice looking young man.” She blushed and looked away.

  I looked at Ivy, who was grinning from ear to ear, and James, who was pursing his lips to fight a smile. “Ivy, did this young lady think I was a monster because of you or James? I don’t think you’d do that.”

  Ivy looked taken aback. “No, Seth, I think that what we might have done was talk about you too much and made her think that we were pushing her into going out with you. I didn’t mean to scare her and I know Star didn’t either. James might have, because he can be a bit evil when it comes to picking on his little brothers. I promise that we didn’t mean to make you look bad.”

  I laughed. “I’ve been coming around too much, because I think that I understood most of that. James, since Tabitha is visiting your home, I’d like to ask you for permission to ask her to go walking with me.”

  “Go with my blessing, little brother. Just let me know if the two of you take off on your trip together.”

  I chuckled. “I’m planning on leaving in the morning, so I wouldn’t do that.” I turned to Tabitha. “I’d be honored if you’d accompany me on a walk. I promise to be a gentleman.”

  She smiled shyly. “Thank you for asking! I’d love to walk with you.”

  I’d been warned, but I didn’t know that I’d triggered the auditory assault. Tabitha’s acceptance to my invitation evidently was a squeal signal. I offered her my arm, shaking my head slightly to restore my hearing. Tabitha took my hand, interlacing her fingers in mine while shyly avoiding eye contact. I looked at James and discreetly put my hand to my stomach, which was bouncing off my rib cage. He hid a grin behind his hand and chuckled. “Have a good time!” James called as we walked out of the room together. As I closed the door behind us, we could hear the giggles and squealing starting.

  I turned toward Tabitha. “It seems as though they’re happy with their matchmaking jobs. How do you think they are doing?”

  “I’d like to get to know you better, but so far I think they’ve done well. You’re a nice looking young man and from everything that I’ve heard, you’re caring and understanding. I know what it’s like to try to get by in life when everything is made twice the size that you need it to be. That’s why I can understand that you want to leave. Making your mark on a big people’s world will be hard, but Ivy has told me that all of the king’s children are very determined. I’m glad I’m getting to meet you before you go, but I heard you tell James that you’re leaving tomorrow. That doesn’t give us much time to get to know one another.”

  We walked across the courtyard toward the castle gate hand in hand. We were both lost in our own worlds for the moment. I knew what I was thinking but had no idea what she was. I’d decided that having her with me on my trip might be a nice way to get to know her. If I asked and she declined, then I wouldn’t have any plans to change. I found myself really frightened that she would decline and my request would change any chance we might have of a relationship. We walked out of the gate and turned toward the docks.

  “Seth, I was wondering if you had any plans about your trip. Do you know what you’re going to do or where you’re going to go?”

  “I’ve decided to go to the west coast and then fly over the ocean. I hope that there might be a continent that we haven’t heard of that might be interesting to visit.”

  “So you’re going to be flying and not walking,” she commented thoughtfully.

  “Those are my plans as things are at the moment. Nothing is set in stone, though. Why do you ask?”

  She shrugged and sighed. “Well, I was thinking that if you didn’t want to be alone on your trip that I could go with you. Since you’re flying and I didn’t pass my wizard test, I wouldn’t be able to do that.”

  I responded almost too quickly, “Did you know that
a wizard can make what we call a levitation bubble that allows us to fly people around? If you really wanted to go with me, it would be a simple thing. I’d really like for you to go so we could get to spend more time together.” I waited, holding my breath.

  She stood there looking out over the eastern sea, took a deep breath and turned to me. She started to say something and then wrapped her arms around me. My heart jumped from my throat to my feet and back again. She smiled hopefully. “If it wouldn’t be any trouble, I’d love to go with you. I’d do my share of whatever needed to be done and help however I could.”

  My arms still wrapped around her, not wanting to let go, I suggested, “I think we should go to the general goods store and get you a pack for some clothes and bedding. Do we need to go by your home to get anything before morning?” I could feel her shaking with, I assumed, excitement about the coming trip and I still didn’t want to let go. She wasn’t letting go of me either, so I was content.

  “I’ll have Ivy go with me to get the things that I’ll need from my parents’ house. When I tell them that I’m leaving with you, they’ll know I’ll be safe. There won’t be any problems there. I don’t have any money for my supplies, so I’ll get some from Father, if he has any.”

  I grinned. “I have money in my pocket, so we can get them now. I want to send some to your family, since you won’t be there to help out for a while. It doesn’t sound like your family is exactly rolling in gold and I want to help if I can.” She was shaking again and this time it felt different, but I knew we had to release our hug. People were starting to stare and I hated when folks did that. I led us back to Main Street and to the general goods store. I purchased a small pack that would fit Tabitha and a comfortable bed roll that would tie underneath. I picked up a small tent and skillet that I’d carry. I could always make the load lighter and it was easier if I was the one carrying it. I gathered some food items that I would have done without and a couple bottles for water. We carried our items to the counter were they were totaled at fourteen gold coins. I paid the man with one platinum and four gold coins. I bundled everything up on the counter and floated it into the air. The poor shop keeper almost jumped out of his shoes when he saw that. Tabitha grinned and we left the shop with our goods floating behind us. She took my hand as soon as we were outside and that feeling hit me in the gut again. I didn’t mind it as much now. In fact, it made me feel warm and cozy all over. We walked back to the castle and no one even gave our floating items a second glance. There were many wizards that lived here and I was sure they’d seen it all before.